[FRIAM] Fwd: How Computers Work, featuring Bill Gates, and more!

Owen Densmore owen at backspaces.net
Tue Jan 30 12:43:01 EST 2018

​I wonder if we could get our governors (whichever state we live in) to
join the 16 who have already signed up?​

It seems to me that:
- Broadband is a utility, like water and power.
- CS should be taught in public schools.
- Both together would be a Good Thing

   -- Owen

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hadi Partovi <hadi_partovi at code.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 9:57 AM
Subject: How Computers Work, featuring Bill Gates, and more!
To: owen at backspaces.net


We’re so so so excited to share six short videos that teach How Computers
Over a year in the making, these educational videos star Bill Gates along
tech leaders such as Apple designer May Li Khoe, xBox architect Nat Brown,
and Adafruit founder Limor Fried. Please watch these videos with a
classroom, with your children, or with a tub of ice cream. :-)

Because CS is for everybody, Khan Academy
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/2nocnaY/k9xpkr/352648710> and Alaska
Airlines will expand the audience for these videos. Khan Academy will
include the videos in their CS offering, and Alaska Airlines will offer
them for free on flights starting in April. (Both will also feature the How
the Internet Works
videos previously released by Code.org.)

*State governors unite for computer science*

The local momentum for K-12 computer science continues to spread throughout
the U.S. Eight more governors
joined the Governors for CS
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/2018-01-30/k9xpl1/352648710> partnership,
which now boasts 16 states committed to funding and expanding computer
science. Throughout January, governors announced new plans for CS:


   Governors from AZ
   IA, IN
   MD, NY
   and SC
   a combined $17 million to expand CS in every school

   Legislation in support of computer science has been introduced in AZ,
   FL, HI, IN, MD, MO, MS, NC, NH, RI, and WA

   The Utah State Board of Education adopted a proposal to create a
   strategic plan for K-12 CS in the state, including standards

*2017 in review, and Code.org Annual report
At Code.org we start each year with a look at the global landscape of K-12
computer science – whether the direct work of our team and partners, or the
work of global efforts that share our vision.

It’s been just over four years since Code.org hired our first employee, and
the first launch of the Hour of Code. It’s been incredible to see global
education embrace CS, faster than ever before.

In just four years, 25 countries, 40 U.S. states, and almost 200 U.S.
cities and school districts have announced plans to expand access and
diversity in CS; over 72,000 U.S. teachers have attended Code.org
workshops; a whopping 750,000 teachers have begun using Code.org to teach
CS to over 25M students worldwide; diversity in CS classrooms has improved
for four years in a row; and the Hour of Code has surpassed 500 million
served – reaching one out of every 10 students on the planet.

Please read and share our 2017 Annual Report

*This is your impact*
Whether you’ve signed our petition
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/promote/k9xplf/352648710>, supported us with
a donation <http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/donate/k9xplh/352648710>,
followed us on Facebook
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/Code-org/k9xplk/352648710> or on Twitter
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/codeorg/k9xplm/352648710>, volunteered
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/volunteer/k9xplp/352648710> in a school,
tried an Hour of Code
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/2018-01-30/k9xplr/352648710>, or taught our
courses <http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/teach/k9xplt/352648710> in a
classroom, you’ve been part of growing the biggest teacher-powered movement
in world education. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your support. Our
story is your story. Please share it.


*“What you have done is by far the single most disruptive piece of
education at scale within the existing education structure in my lifetime.”
Gregg Fleisher, President, National Math & Science Initiative*

To all our supporters and partners, to the other organizations helping in
the cause, and especially to the teachers: your passion and dedication is
what gives us our daily dose of motivation. Thanks to you, we are closer
than ever to realizing our vision: that every student in every school
receives the opportunity to learn computer science.

Hadi Partovi, Code.org


You're receiving this email because you signed our petition or joined as a
teacher on Code.org
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/2018-01-30/k9xplw/352648710>. Code.org is a
501c3 non-profit. Our address is 1501 Fourth
 Ave, Suite 900, Seattle, WA, 98101

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Stay in touch with us. Follow Code.org on Twitter
<http://go.pardot.com/e/153401/codeorg/k9xply/352648710> and Facebook
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