[FRIAM] What's so bad about Scientism?

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Wed Jul 11 14:40:18 EDT 2018

Re: Decision Paralysis.  A sage friend of mine used to say "sometimes
the most you can do is nothing".  I'm also lead to think of "Symmetry
Breaking" in dynamical systems.

Re: Gil's question of whether this list is dead or not...  I certainly
have dialed back my participation in the psuedo philosophical banter,
roughly based on the above tactic.   I DO, however, continue to read
these threads and take away useful morsels of insight from all participants.

Re: Gil's question about whether another list should be formed:  I
believe WedTech provided a decent fork for two particular types of
threads:  1) announcements/discussions of the nitty gritty tech details
of programming languages (usually JS or a variant); 2) items primarily
(or exclusively) of interest to people living IN Santa Fe.

On 7/11/18 9:59 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Glen writes:
> "If some action will be required *anyway*, common to a wide array of potential actions and consequences, then do that."
> Another form would be "I'm lost, so I'll follow another car."   
> These kinds of damage-limiting default actions (when actions are *required*) need not be paralyzing and failing to take them when forced involves some other explanation, like a malfunction or lack of awareness of the available default actions, i.e. lack of awareness of the general properties of the current environment.  
> Marcus
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