[FRIAM] Latent Topics was: enough sleep?

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Wed Apr 10 13:39:48 EDT 2019

Steve writes:

<   From my ALife days, "Life" is a lot of things at once, while being
    roughly as simple as systems which increase negentropy in the flux of
    free energy sources. Your "struggle for power" is perhaps a reflection
    of the competition for better exposure to said "flux".  >  

A social system that itself increases negentropy will in turn create instances that are self-similar.
With sufficient productivity, there won't be a need for so many instances.  It will suck up too much free energy.  The social system will either collapse or it will need to purposefully cull itself.  Somehow either many instances need to consume less energy per instance or collectively it is will be necessary to collectively increase productivity -- as in the whole is more than the sum of its parts cliché.   The current political climate leads me to believe there is a great culling coming.


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