[FRIAM] Trans/Post Homo Erectus/Sapiens/Faber/Hiveus

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Apr 18 17:30:04 EDT 2019

Steve writes:

< Would you say that you have more confidence or faith in enhancing individual agency than in seeking the synergies and emergent possibilities through enhancing collective agency?  >

Something close to no confidence for the latter.   I think empowered cohesive minority groups will be needed to get things on a productive track.  While I certainly have zero confidence in the invisible hand of the markets, I can imagine some of the minority groups will be technology and services companies (as opposed to extraction companies).   I see technology as a force multiplier for these smaller groups, but it won’t matter unless the groups are prepared to shoot for coordinated social goals and take some risks along the way.

< So I *think* I'm parsing (all) this as cynicism and pessimism, with maybe a dose of morbid fascination, not a moral judgement that in some way "it should be the select few"?  >

The ark can’t hold everyone.   Maybe it won’t have room for me either, but give me a hammer anyway.


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