[FRIAM] abduction and casuistry

Nick Thompson nickthompson at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 24 21:57:35 EDT 2019

Thanks, Glen, 


This is really good.  I am going to repost it, in case I was not the only one omitted in the feed:


Dave West wrote:


1.       a secondary definition of casuistry is "resolving moral problems by application of theoretical rules."  NST==>Dave:  this is interesting.  Can you give me any idea of what a “theoretical” rule is?  <==nst


2. A Jesuit practice, "reform of the individual," seems to incorporate a sense (not definition) of "individual" consistent with Duns Scotus' concept of haecciety and, because Peirce used that term in his work, to explain what he meant by the individual, there seems to be a thread to medieval Catholicism. NST==>Peirce’s attachment to Scotus is legendary, so this is indeed interesting. <==nst


3. Jesuit values, e.g. "Respect For The World, Its History And Mystery" and especially, Learning From Experience lead to philosophical thought that is not contradictory to Peircian notions of experience. NST==>Dave, how do you KNOW this stuff, and why have you hidden it from me before. Is this from your time at <==nst


4. But, Jesuits are dualists, not in the objective world / experience of it sense (there they seem to be quite close to Peirce) but in the sense that TRUTH can come, not just from experience (and science) but from revelation - the direct word of God. NST==>So, whose experience are we talking about here: mine, yours, or OURS.  And what do we do when experience contradicts the WOG. And is revelation a kind of experience?<==nst


5. Jesuits, among many others (Galileo), often found themselves at odds with the Church over the issue of whether or not a thing could be true in philosophy but not in theology, or vice versa. The Jesuits focused on truth in philosophy and their method for identifying that truth would, again, not be incompatible with Peirce. So only point four would be contrary to Peirce's ideas. NST==>Again, I would love for you to say more, but that seems a lot to ask.  Is there a Jesuit philosophy for Idiots, anywhere?  <==nst


6. No intellectual lineage is evident from any Jesuit philosopher and Charles Sanders. NST==>Well, a quick, lazy-man’s Google suggests that you are right!  But wouldn’t that be extraordinary?  Vaaaary EENteresting, David.  Vaaaaary EENteresting.  <==nst




Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University




-----Original Message-----
From: glen [mailto:gepropella at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2019 7:36 PM
To: The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group <friam at redfish.com>; Nick Thompson <nickthompson at earthlink.net>; 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group' <friam at redfish.com>
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] abduction and casuistry


How about a link to his archived message?


 <http://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/2019-August/080050.html> http://redfish.com/pipermail/friam_redfish.com/2019-August/080050.html



On August 24, 2019 12:21:13 PM PDT, Nick Thompson < <mailto:nickthompson at earthlink.net> nickthompson at earthlink.net> wrote:

>Oh, by the way, I DID miss Dave's contribution.  Every once a while, 

>just to keep me nimble, the FRIAM server doesn't send me something, so

>this may be a case of that.   Can you forward it to me?  




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