[FRIAM] Motives - Was Abduction

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Jan 10 16:53:19 EST 2019

> Eric writes:
> "I also love his characterization of the core message of Putin:  We are shit. You are shit. It’s all bullshit.  What democracy?”
Marcus writes:
> If it is all bullshit, then why not steal Putin's stuff?  You know, just for shits and grins.   I guess if people are just demoralized and terrified they won't.
I would love to think there would be people out there doing just that.   
And the Trumpster himself would seem like an even softer target?   The 
idea among confidence gamers that "the best mark is a conman" (as 
demonstrated in movies like "The Grifters" and "The Sting") suggests 
that bosons like Trump and Putin are ultimately just *huge* attractive 
nuisances, begging to be fleeced.   I can't imagine that they aren't 
subject to everything from petty pilfering (albeit very carefully) to 
huge conspiracies from within.
> Trump is a denial of service attack.
Well said!

Even the mainstream media (which I watch way too much of these days, in 
rapt morbid fascination) seems to understand this.   When they were 
debating amongst themselves whether to bother to air Trump's Oval Office 
address, they seemed to understand that *they* are playing into his 
control/distortion of the news cycle/topic. But they seem as powerless 
to stop doing that as I am to quit streaming their inane presentation of 
Trump's inanity into my eyeballs...

I need to adopt/develop a good conspiracy theory I can call my own to 
obsess over... using DoS to fight DoS?  The media (and now congress) 
seem to be responding to Trump with their own DDoS of sorts, pummeling 
him with snark and drang from all sides.

- Steve

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