[FRIAM] Motives - Was Abduction

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Jan 10 16:43:06 EST 2019

Eric writes: 

"I also love his characterization of the core message of Putin:  We are shit. You are shit. It’s all bullshit.  What democracy?”

If it is all bullshit, then why not steal Putin's stuff?  You know, just for shits and grins.   I guess if people are just demoralized and terrified they won't.   

I also appreciate Steve remarks about the consequences of devolving norms in Washington.   I can see folks on CNN talk about the same topics day after day after day, distributing the same information.   But it isn't until the Southern District of New York gives Cohen a sentence out that it is `real' -- ultimately an authority is invoked to move on to the next thing.   The possibility that hundreds of lies just keep accumulating and the choice is between rationalizing and categorizing them or forgetting them is very strange.   Trump is a denial of service attack.


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