[FRIAM] Modeling 4chan: roles, topics, beliefs, strawman, anonymity, etc.

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Jan 28 13:18:27 EST 2019

Is there an important difference between Stanislavski method acting and convincing insincerity?    Similar skill set to vice cops and spies.

On 1/28/19, 10:14 AM, "Friam on behalf of ∄ uǝʃƃ" <friam-bounces at redfish.com on behalf of gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:

    So, I stumbled on this today: 
    The Alt-Right Playbook: The Card Says Moops
    Transcript here: http://innuendostudios.tumblr.com/post/182302598987/new-video-essay-internet-reactionaries-argue-as
    And my ignorance forced me to find out which "Stanislavski" they were referring to at 8:37, where they define the "Stanislavski Opinion" - "the opinion you entertain so completely that you functionally believe it, while you express it, no matter the possibility that you will express - and, to an extent, believe - an opposite opinion later."
    I *guess* it's this guy: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2012/apr/17/modern-drama-konstantin-stanislavsky
    Once again, FriAM has helped me reduce the cone of uncertainty in my own opinion about, say, why I think Tom Cruise is such a bad actor compared to someone like, say, Chloë Sevigny.  I just don't intuit that Cruise plays the role, so much as "talks" on topic.  I once (like, 20 years ago) got into a rather heated argument with a mentor about the difference between a simulation and an emulation.  He was *trying*, I think, to make this same point to that younger version of myself.
    On 1/15/19 10:26 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
    > Why do there have to be roles and not just topics?
    ∄ uǝʃƃ
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