[FRIAM] Modeling 4chan: roles, topics, beliefs, strawman, anonymity, etc.

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 13:28:49 EST 2019

I think so.  It strikes me that committed actors try to authentically *be* the role, fill the role.  I say this because they (in interviews and such) often use words like "bring humanity to the character" and "see the world from the character's perspective".  They seem to do this *not* because they want to trick the audience (seemingly), but because they're acting like defense attorneys.  Even the most horrible *person* deserves to be treated like a person.

I suspect many/most (?) LEOs are pretending to be some person in order to *stop* that person from playing that role, whatever it is.  The common trope is that an undercover LEO or spy might have to commit their own small crimes/sincerities in order to focus on the larger crimes/insincerities.  A method actor would, I think, want to at least simulate the entire person, with no intention of *preventing* some aspects of the person from coming through.

I think we can distinguish a spy whose purpose is to do something like "regime building" versus a spy whose intent is to, say, catch a mole.  A spy who wants to, say, set/prop up a particular form of government, e.g. the Saudi Prince, would be more like the method actor and less like a LEO.

On 1/28/19 10:18 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Is there an important difference between Stanislavski method acting and convincing insincerity?    Similar skill set to vice cops and spies.

☣ uǝlƃ

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