[FRIAM] Pro-Sociality, self-organization and nudge theory

Steven A Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Sat Apr 4 13:30:44 EDT 2020

Pro-Sociality, self organization and Nudge theory

It seems that Nudge Theory is getting a little bit of a bad rep due to
the UK's appeal/deference to it in their aborted "herd immunity"
strategy...   and while it may have been misapplied or presumed to be
"enough" when it was patently not, I don't think that negates the value
of distributed intelligence/action and the implications for collective
self-organization for the greater good.  

I was not aware of "Nudging" as a formal thing until last Autumn as I
was prepping for Merle's meeting in Stockholm:


I'm a (over?)zealous believer in self-organized, distributed solutions
to problems, so as always, "a grain of salt"... 



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