[FRIAM] curiosities ...

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Wed Aug 5 14:12:29 EDT 2020

... that might merit comment.

quantum biology:

Erithacus Rubecula (European Robin) migrates from northern Sweden to southern France (sometimes North Africa) using an "inclination compass" that works because of quantum entanglement of free radicals in cryptochrome receptors in the bird's eyes. E.g., the bird navigates using ('sensing") quantum entanglement.

I once mentioned that the human eye can detect a solitary photon. Nick suggested that, while true, it was irrelevant because such a weak signal would be lost in the "noise" of the optic nerve, etc. Evidently, E. Rubecula's sensitivity to quantum effects are not lost in the noise.

free speech: (stats from an *Atlantic* article I read a few days ago)

more than 2/3 people in the US fear to voice, and hence self-censor, their opinions and ideas lest they encounter hostile reaction from those around them.

32 percent of "far right Republicans" believe that a CEO's donation of personal funds to the Biden campaign would be sufficient grounds for removal from the position.

54% of "far left Democrats" believe that a CEO's donation of personal funds to the Trump campaign would be sufficient grounds for removal from the position.

Is there such a thing as the Tyranny of the 'Woke'?" If so, has it eliminated the Constitutional right to free speech? Is it possible to have a Democracy, let alone a decent conversation, absent the right to free speech?

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