[FRIAM] curiosities ...

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 16:09:15 EDT 2020

Interesting. I'm frequently identified as right wing, but mostly because of things I say, not because of what I wear, especially when I cut my hair [⛧]. I wonder if that makes the difference? It might also matter what you mean by "leftists". I've met plenty of violent "leftists", but I don't regard them as "woke". I realize you're using it as an insult and perhaps ironically. But there really is a difference. I'm a fan of Frantz Fanon, who argued that political violence is *necessary* for colonized peoples. But the people who use "woke" almost universally disapprove of such violence. So, your use of the word is hopelessly flawed.

Regardless, it kinda blows my mind that you're *not* equally worried about the economic, social, and psychological violence that originates from the "contemporary right". I don't even know how to respond to that. And if you're equally worried about that, why do you more often warn of the threat from the left?

[⛧] I have only 2 hair styles: 1) let it grow wherever/however and 2) cut it all off.

On 8/5/20 12:52 PM, Prof David West wrote:
> It is of little importance because it is idiosyncratic, but: while I have never had anyone from right or left put a gun in my face or try to run me over with a car; I have experienced, multiple times, physical violence from "leftists" purely because of political expression.  Yes, I was asking for it, e.g. being deliberately provocative by wearing a MAGA hat in a public venue where I knew it would not be "welcomed."
> And, also personal experience only, I have been the recipient of violence from troglodytes who took me for being gay (was with my friend Frank dressed in all black with long hair, me in paisley shirt and fringed buckskin leather jacket ala John Voigt — accosted in men's room of a movie theater in LA) and too many episodes of violence from "patriots"  who (more or less correctly) saw me as a "hippie commie punk'.
> However, physical violence is far less of a concern, for me, than the economic, social and psychological violence that, as far as I can tell, originates pretty much exclusively from the "contemporary left," i.e. the "woke."

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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