[FRIAM] Curmudgeons Unite!

jon zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 10:53:45 EDT 2020

Sure my tongue-was-in-cheek wrt redirecting 1/9 of the U.S military budget to
fund solving this problem, maybe it does detract from my main point. Fixing
the problem of wasteful decadence is also not on the docket for me this pass
through. I feel a lot can be said about what a culture burns its resources
on. Hell, if we must,  à la Ghostbusters, choose the form of the destroyer I
choose the societal engine described in Borges' "The Lottery in Babylon"[£].

To be clear, the challenge set before me was to sketch out an alternative
voting technology option. While liberating elections from a winner-takes-all
modality is also something I want, it relates to a mostly orthogonal
problem. Ranked-choice voting can be implemented for polling stations, phone
apps, and snail-mail alike. Sooner or later the technology I am advocating
for will be here, what it will be when it arrives is what I wish to direct
concern toward. Witnessing an endless procession of squandered opportunity
is what I find so abhorrent. If the first actionable steps are being taken,
great, we now have the opportunity to take others.

[£] https://web.itu.edu.tr/~inceogl4/modernism/lotteryofbabylon.pdf

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