[FRIAM] words for Nick

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Thu Aug 20 19:14:54 EDT 2020

    Wit — now: fun, funny, humorous; then: clever, apt humor, intelligence, acumen, thinker

    Fizzle — now: to fail, failure; then: to fart quietly

    Buxom — now: large-breasted; then: compliant or obedient

    Fantastic — now: unbelievable, superlative, excellent; then: based on fantasy or imagination, of fantasy

    Girl — now: young female; then: young person of any gender

    Backlog — now: pending work; then: largest log (literally!)

    Prestigious — now: honored; then: trickery, illusion, conjuring

    Bully — now: to be cruel, insulting, or threatening; then: a sweetheart, a fine chap

    Cute — now: attractive; then: clever, shrewd

    Meat — now: animal flesh for food; then: all foods

    Myriad — now: a great number; then: referred to the number 10,000 in ancient Greece

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