[FRIAM] vaccine

glen∉ℂ gepropella at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 12:02:58 EDT 2020

I would take it in a heartbeat, but not to save myself, to reduce the extent to which I infect others. I'm white, unaffiliated, suburban dwelling, 53 yrs old.

On 8/23/20 8:53 AM, Jochen Fromm wrote:
> I guess most people here in Europe would take an officially approved vaccine which has successfully passed all three trials.
> -J.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Prof David West <profwest at fastmail.fm>
> Date: 8/23/20 17:33 (GMT+01:00)
> To: friam at redfish.com
> Subject: [FRIAM] vaccine
> How many people on this list would take an approved (assume all standard procedures predated the approval) COVID vaccine if one were available?
> I'll hazard a guess that it would be close to 90%.
> A recent survey showed the percentages of those who would refuse a free government approved vaccine:
> 19%   —  of Democrats
> 24%   —  of 18-29 year olds
> 30%  —  of people 65 and older
> 33%  —  white Americans
> 35%  —  large-city residents
> 41%  —  non-white Americans
> 44%  —  rural/farm residents
> 53%  — Republicans
> Comments about how this proves the intelligence of Democrats over Republicans are not very interesting, even if the urge is overwhelming. Nor, comments about youth feeling invulnerable.
> Why so many old people?
> Why so many non-white people?
> Why so many large-city residents?
> How can the claim continue to be made that a vaccine is the only way to "return to normal?"
> How many of you that sheltering-in-place will be happy to emerge into a world where maybe a third of the population declines to be vaccinated?
> How many of you would be in favor of mandatory vaccinations?
> Full disclosure: I would decline a vaccination, just as I have never had a flu shot and just as I would never take a statin drug.

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