[FRIAM] 5 agencies compromised

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Fri Dec 18 23:31:24 EST 2020

There are people that are in the way and a share of them are in government.

From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Prof David West
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 8:13 PM
To: friam at redfish.com
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] 5 agencies compromised

"There definitely *is* a deep state or, the term I prefer, an "administrative state". And I'm grateful for that *infrastructure*. Just like I'm grateful for the bench scientists at the FDA and the employees at the counter of the DMV. That bureaucracy is not merely good because it achieves good things. It *is* civilization. It's our extended phenotype. It's flat out contradictory to love things like sports cars and space ships but hate things like building codes, DMV queues, and mask mandates. We are the termites and the administrative state is our mound."

very poetic glen

I am in total agreement — except — The deep state is inflicted with a cancer, one that has been growing explosively, like all cancers. Call it "middle management" for want of a better term. Those between the bench scientists and the DMV clerks and the President/Congress/Political Appointees. This cancer metastasized when Congress abrogated its responsibility legislate in favor of passing overly general laws and delegating law making (under the guise of rule making) to the executive branch of government. Unlike a typical cancer, it is intelligent, willful, and malevolent. It seeks only its own interest. It took down Trump, not on behalf of populace, but purely because of self-preservation. It was relatively easy to do because the man was so stupid.


On Fri, Dec 18, 2020, at 11:11 AM, uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ wrote:
> All effective conspiracy theories have some merit. I think that's what
> makes them effective. Like good fiction, the micro expressions of
> deception, con-man tactics, inference to the best explanation, creation
> myths, and the positivist/generative component of science, conspiracy
> theories rely on truth in a fundamental way. My favorite examples are
> math proofs of things like 1=0. It seems to me they're focused examples
> of Tarski's (and Gödel's) result, which essentially say you can't prove
> something's true from *within* the language being used to prove that
> truth.
> There definitely *is* a deep state or, the term I prefer, an
> "administrative state". And I'm grateful for that *infrastructure*.
> Just like I'm grateful for the bench scientists at the FDA and the
> employees at the counter of the DMV. That bureaucracy is not merely
> good because it achieves good things. It *is* civilization. It's our
> extended phenotype. It's flat out contradictory to love things like
> sports cars and space ships but hate things like building codes, DMV
> queues, and mask mandates. We are the termites and the administrative
> state is our mound.
> The trick lying at the bottom of all critical thinking is to
> continually back off a bit and see if/when one's little trip down any
> given logical rabbit hole ... zoom out a bit and see if it's
> reasonable. That's where we (especially our idealistic/wacko friends)
> end up failing.
> On 12/17/20 12:52 PM, Gary Schiltz wrote:
> > Kind of makes you wonder if the "deep state" conspiracy theories have a bit of merit.
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 3:29 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com<mailto:marcus at snoutfarm.com> <mailto:marcus at snoutfarm.com<mailto:marcus at snoutfarm.com>>> wrote:
> >
> >     I do wonder what work will look like after most of the small businesses fail.
> >
> >     "Didn't respond to police presence" -> "Didn't listen to the boss."
> >
> >     "Hey where did Jamie go?   Last time I saw him was at that meeting.."
> --
> ↙↙↙ uǝlƃ
> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
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