[FRIAM] A longer response to Dave's question

David Eric Smith desmith at santafe.edu
Fri Feb 21 05:47:23 EST 2020

So Dave,

> What kind of vocabulary can we apply to the substance/essence of altered-states-of-consciousness experiences? Metaphor certainly, but "concept," "idea," or even "knowledge?" is it possible to develop a philosophy, an epistemology, that would be inclusive of "experience" beyond the mundane sort addressed by science, or by Peirce's method?

Does Husserl do any of what you want?  Or his student Fink?  (I am told by people who have spent a lot of time on this that the rest of Husserl’s followers were sort of technicians who missed Husserl’s main concerns, but that Fink got the point.)

I ask because I know other people who sound like you, and for one of them Husserl is the unique writer from the modern period whom they group with Longchenpa, Nagarjuna, and various others who are not writing in European languages.

They are after a theory of consciousness that they consider “fully empirical”.


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