[FRIAM] Abduction and Introspection

Jon Zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 13:36:48 EST 2020

Perhaps along with manipulate and observe could be predict.
Presently, I am making my way through two books on predictive processing.

1) Surfing Uncertainty, by Andy Clark
2) Extended Consciousness and Predictive Processing, by M. Kirchhoff and J.

Phenomenal consciousness either arising from, or being supported by,
top down prediction of incoming sensory inputs is a common theme
to both texts. In Glen's example an individual gets out of an unfamiliar
bed in the morning. If I am reading Clark correctly, he would assert that
the surprise Glen feels comes from Glen's nervous system incorrectly
predicting the sensory inputs to his nervous system. Perhaps this sort
of thing can be construed as an observation, but it seems a bit more.
There appears to be an anticipation present as well.

Jonathan Zingale
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