[FRIAM] Trumps motives not judiciable because they are "in his head"

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Fri Jan 31 14:56:13 EST 2020

Glen wrote

< FWIW. In a bout of insomnia the other night, I ran across Bryan Caplin's post:

  "Catholic" vs "Protestant" Ethics
  https://www.econlib.org/archives/2012/04/catholic_versus.html  >

The thought that I cannot resist is of former colleagues that would sneer at uninteresting or insufficiently-cool research.
Insufficiently-cool research is research that could not possibly result in useful artifacts (or even taken decisions) because that engineering is for the little people to sort out.   No, _truly_ cool research about the strivers' social fabric.   Laugh.  I never realized I had such strong feelings about Catholics!   :-)

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