[FRIAM] Pause the Show

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Wed Jun 3 13:14:35 EDT 2020


I won't offer any comments or observations about black motorcycle clubs or biker bars filled with racists. I will offer "credentials" for voicing such, if anyone would be interested in them.

I have just over 200,000 lifetime miles on a motorcycle - almost all of them on Harley's (A Honda Goldwing one summer, a Yamaha 950 for a few months, and a Triumph 650 that was my off-road bike). Spent thousands of hours in biker bars. Was a pre-initiate with the Hell's Angels in Los Angles (left before being patched because they were morphing from outlaw club to criminal enterprise). Wrote an ethnographic thesis and several journal articles on the culture of outlaw clubs. Been to Sturgis many times and all of the major rallies except Daytona.


On Tue, Jun 2, 2020, at 12:25 PM, uǝlƃ ☣ wrote:
> A friend of mine (whose politics lean slightly right but, you know, 
> he's black so slightly left too) specifically bought his rifle and 
> works on his marksmanship *because* black men with guns scare the 
> bejesus out of us white dudes. He and I sporadically spar about skin 
> color and its impact on development. And I think he really wanted me to 
> react viscerally to him showing off his rifle. Luckily I'm a 
> cold-hearted and callous bastard [†] and only reacted by complimenting 
> his prowess. I feel the same way about liberals with guns. And there 
> also seems to be a paucity of black motorcycle clubs. Why are all biker 
> bars filled with fat, bearded, racists?
> [†] http://bastards.org/
> On 6/2/20 10:59 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> >   Compare a controversy over some loose change with the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a federal facility.  There is clearly a double standard.    If brown or black men had done that there would have been a Predator strike.
> -- 
> ☣ uǝlƃ
> -- --- .-. . .-.. --- -.-. -.- ... -..-. .- .-. . -..-. - .... . -..-. 
> . ... ... . -. - .. .- .-.. -..-. .-- --- .-. -.- . .-. ...
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