[FRIAM] millenarianism

uǝlƃ ☣ gepropella at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 14:40:29 EDT 2020

No, I don't take the concept(s) of eschatology to imply "history has a vector". I suppose it's almost the opposite, that even if there is some (or are several) identifiable vectors, those trends will be disrupted. But not merely disrupted in a haphazard way, disrupted with that feeling of ecstasy or doom. "Going to Hell in a handbasket". Tool's "Mom's coming 'round to put it back the way it oughtta beeeeeee!" The Rapture. Etc. To me, whether there's a stable "phase" on the other side of the "phase transition" or not is irrelevant to the category. What matters is that Doomsayers and prophets talk in these terms. Whatever it is you think you know, in XYZ years, you won't recognize it.

Pffft. Go on, pull the other one.

On 6/6/20 9:56 AM, thompnickson2 at gmail.com wrote:
> So Glen.  What does the word mean to you?  Does somebody who believes that history has a vector have thereby to be an eschatologist?  Does the fact that Peirce believes that there are SOME truth and that some forms of inquiry seek these out and sometimes find them make him an Eschatologist?  (That’s right, Nick, when you learn a new word, use it at least 6 times in the next ten sentences.  )

☣ uǝlƃ

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