[FRIAM] millenarianism

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Sat Jun 6 19:42:20 EDT 2020

Nick -
> Examining my own experience, I can only say that you are correct that
> there is direct pleasure in developing an argument, as “tactile” as
> the pleasure of forming Silly Putty into smooth balls or blowing
> bubbles with bubblegum.
You do know which is which I hope?  I don't know WHY they developed
Silly Putty to have such a similar color, I can still taste the
stuff...  and it isn't nearly as benign as chalk, crayons, lincoln logs,
or horsehoof glue.
>   But that pleasure is eliminated IMMEDIATELY and completely, if I
> imagine that nobody will ever read and understand what I wrote. 
> That’s a paradox, and one I don’t entirely understand.
Thus my blathering here when I could (should?) just as well be directing
all (most) of this into my journal, my blog, my memoirs, or my Great
Post-Murrican Novel.

- Steve

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