[FRIAM] alternative response

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Mon Jun 15 12:21:40 EDT 2020

Glen writes:

<    Are we claiming some people act *as if* XYZ? Or are we claiming that some people XYZ?  >

I am claiming the latter.

< I highlight "as if" above because it's that truncation error that might be overlooked. However, just because I think these interface mismatches cause the overwhelming MAJORITY of what we might call "free will", it's not necessarily the case that there is no freedom somewhere deep down. Maybe "below Fermi", there is a tiny bit of wiggle room that then *cascades* (purely reactively) through the system.  >

How does the free will homunculus transform states?  By state I mean all of the function definitions,  memory, hyperparameters, etc.?
In a biological system how do the biochemistry and electrodynamics evolve?   Does the homunculus get to choose which physics it likes?   How does it do that?
It doesn't matter if the system or homunculus has to face uncertainty.   That just means the homunculus has to manage risk.
For people to say they "believe in free will" is to say they couldn't, in principle, simulate human social systems with fidelity.   


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