[FRIAM] Ranked Choice Voting app

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 10:56:58 EDT 2020

I don't think we need fancy schmancy models to see what's going on now is a

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 8:36 AM cody dooderson <d00d3rs0n at gmail.com> wrote:

> I recently learned that Australia has used ranked choice voting for over
> one hundred years, so there is some good real world data on it. It was
> implemented by conservatives in the early 20th century, which surprised me.
> It was referenced in this talk https://youtu.be/uuXNbKglM5Q on voting
> systems, and how wackadoodles can win in plurality voting schemes.
> On Mon, May 4, 2020, 8:26 PM Gary Schiltz <gary at naturesvisualarts.com>
> wrote:
>> Whatever voting technology is chosen, it needs to be open source, both
>> software and hardware.
>> On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 8:52 PM Jon Zingale <jonzingale at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Cody,
>>> I'm inspired to contribute some thoughts to yours.  I feel that
>>> whatever *fix* is imagined for voting, we should be prepared to
>>> adopt it for a long time. The process of testing out new voting
>>> schemes may take a few administrative cycles and may become
>>> vulnerable to manipulation or degradation as the *concrete dries*.
>>> I can see value in putting time limits on the experiment and taking
>>> measures to protect this experiment from tampering by any given
>>> administration. Precedence set by changing something as foundational
>>> as voting demands careful thought. If voting systems be allowed to
>>> change with fashion there will be vulnerabilities introduced, perhaps
>>> similar or worse than the exploitations we are seeing in almost every
>>> other aspect of government. To be fair, the present voting scheme already
>>> appears corrupt or out-of-spec from my point of view. I do think it is
>>> our responsibility to think about this problem.
>>> Secondly, I would like to contribute some thoughts on the topic of
>>> remote voting. Perhaps rather than solving the app based voting
>>> issue perfectly, we could aim at having certainty for validating
>>> votes that is better than already exists. It may be the case that
>>> under a *phone app* voting system, we still end up with voters in
>>> Florida that have been known dead for a decade. If we can assess
>>> what the present error bars are then we can have a goal in mind.
>>> There are certainly many truly good thoughts on cryptography
>>> and as Neal Koblitz has pointed out in a bold non-paper paper
>>> <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1018.pdf>,
>>> one of the functions of the NSA is to act as consultants on cryptographic
>>> practice. For our entertainment, let's imagine a collaboration between
>>> the
>>> NSA and some large gaming company, Blizzard perhaps, where the goal is
>>> to develop a *critical application* voting app. While I anticipate
>>> aggressive
>>> objections from some friam readers, there is something worth thinking
>>> about.
>>> A friend of mine pointed out that when classic World of Warcraft was
>>> recently
>>> released, Blizzard was prepared to have over 500,000 simultaneous users.
>>> These users are not making 15 one-time choices but rather orders of
>>> magnitude
>>> more choices. These choices are handled fairly consistently, with few
>>> dropped
>>> packets and with little lag (each of which is demanded by the online
>>> gaming
>>> community). This suggests to me that there *are *industries, like the
>>> gaming industry,
>>> that have thought very carefully and for a long time about the problems
>>> of large
>>> scale concurrent user bases and verification of its user base. Surely
>>> the tech is
>>> out there, but I am unsure what the next careful steps ought to be.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jonathan Zingale
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