[FRIAM] intro

doug carmichael doug at dougcarmichael.com
Sat Jun 27 11:49:29 EDT 2020

Good to have joined you  for the last part of Zoom yesterday. It was suggested that I post more of an introduction . I have been a long time lurker, maybe five years.

So few more things about me.

After my post doc at Harvard I went toMexico an spent three years with Erich Fromm at his Mexican Psychoanalytic Institute that sadly no longer exists.

I also worked with the White House and John Koskinen on y2k, which was an exposure to more institutions than could have been had any other way.

bio at https://carmichaelconversation.com/bio/ <https://carmichaelconversation.com/bio/>

blog at https://carmichaelconversation.com <https://carmichaelconversation.com/>

draft book Gardenworld Politics at 

https://medium.com/gardenworld-politics/gardenworld-politics-chapters-and-blog-b8b428d84553 <https://medium.com/gardenworld-politics/gardenworld-politics-chapters-and-blog-b8b428d84553>

Gardenworld Politics says that we need a vision of the society to rebuild post virus and in the midst of climate issues. The book emerged out of that quest. 

Thoughts more than welcome.

virtual hugs


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