[FRIAM] Nick Thompson

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 17:47:48 EDT 2020

By the way, I just had a Zoom reunion with my fellow graduate students from
Carnegie Mellon from the years 1967-1973 more or less.  I had forgotten
that one of them had Covid-19.  Stu Card wrote a book with Allen Newell on
human-computer interaction in which they develop a model of the human
user.  Stu has recovered despite having an "underlying condition".


On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 3:12 PM Frank Wimberly <wimberly3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> They did not but I'm sure it's far smaller than 1/3.
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 2:08 PM Gary Schiltz <gary at naturesvisualarts.com>
> wrote:
>> Interesting. I didn't see the show, but might watch it on their web site.
>> Did they mention what proportion of white Americans know someone who has
>> had Covid-19?
>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 9:47 AM Frank Wimberly <wimberly3 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> One third of all black Americans know a person who has had Covid-19.  So
>>> says CBS Sunday Morning.
>>> Frank
>>> ---
>>> Frank C. Wimberly
>>> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
>>> Santa Fe, NM 87505
>>> 505 670-9918
>>> Santa Fe, NM
>>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2020, 4:18 AM David Eric Smith <desmith at santafe.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I believe my brother has had it.
>>>> When he is well enough to move around and not infect anybody else he
>>>> intends to go get tested for antibodies.  Maybe another week.
>>>> Said it was one of the three worst illnesses of his life so far, though
>>>> it looks like mostly extreme fatigue and lassitude; not evident trouble
>>>> breathing.  And he is 7 years younger than I am.
>>>> Eric
>>>> On Jun 28, 2020, at 1:23 AM, <thompnickson2 at gmail.com> <
>>>> thompnickson2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> David,
>>>> nthompson at clarku.edu works just fine or ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com .
>>>> I am really, REALLY  sorry but I don't think we should meet.  I just
>>>> told my "pod" that I think that, with the rising cases in neighboring
>>>> states, Santa Fe has started to get more dangerous again, and that we
>>>> should we should be even more careful than we have been. (Rural Western
>>>> Massachusetts got a lot of cases from "vacationing" New Yorkers in March.)
>>>>  With talk of a vaccine by the beginning of next year, it just seems stupid
>>>> to take any risks whatsoever.
>>>> It's not that long.  In the meantime, let's continue to interact
>>>> electronically.  We could do our own zoom session.  You will point out how
>>>> "notional" the hazard is, and I will have to admit that I actually have no
>>>> first-hand experience with the disease, what-so-ever.  I don't even know
>>>> anybody, personally, who has told me that they *know anybody* who has
>>>> had the disease.  It is still, for me, a media event.  A cultural meme.
>>>> Pray God it remains that way.
>>>> So let's plan to meet "on the other side.".
>>>> You take care!
>>>> Nick
>>>> Nicholas Thompson
>>>> Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology
>>>> Clark University
>>>> ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com
>>>> https://wordpress.clarku.edu/nthompson/
>>>> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwordpress.clarku.edu%2fnthompson%2f&c=E,1,-pCBQAFqcrtIdWF_G2unIMdEIyxbk9ZKmcwsOxETxJjE11XZzzqAv0Ro6JftHecKItimIK0AxbipIn8IGm6WKzh4jdw9Ylo_3GMfBmVeWAG0Y-jh&typo=1>
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Prof David West
>>>> Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2020 8:10 AM
>>>> To: friam at redfish.com
>>>> Subject: [FRIAM] Nick Thompson
>>>> Nick,
>>>> Your Earthlink email address (the only other one I have) bounced. I am
>>>> in Santa Fe for a couple of days, until July 2.
>>>> davew
>>>> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
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>>> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
>>> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
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>> - .... . -..-. . -. -.. -..-. .. ... -..-. .... . .-. .
>> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
>> Zoom Fridays 9:30a-12p Mtn GMT-6  bit.ly/virtualfriam
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> --
> Frank Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918

Frank Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505 670-9918
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