[FRIAM] labels

uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 15:36:14 EDT 2020

Ha! That was the essence of one of the 538 panel member's phrasing suggestion for Kamala Harris in response to Pence's question about packing SCOTUS. The elaborated version was: "Because confirming Barrett, NOW, is such a horribly wrong thing to do, we have no choice BUT to pack the court." ... I.e. now look what you made me do. That was my dad's favorite phrase to justify whatever abuse he chose to mete out that day. He once ran over my bicycle with his truck. I *made* him run over my bike because I left it laying in the driveway. It's a running joke with my fellow drinkers who *regularly* FORCE me to drink more than I should. There is no free will. I live to serve.

On 10/8/20 11:28 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> Look what you made me do,

↙↙↙ uǝlƃ

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