[FRIAM] labels

Frank Wimberly wimberly3 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 20:08:53 EDT 2020

Never did sound like nonsense to me.  I do think the scaling problems are
large for most variables.

Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
Santa Fe, NM 87505

505 670-9918
Santa Fe, NM

On Sat, Oct 10, 2020, 5:12 PM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:

> Frank -
> Yes to both...  attempting a formal mapping, but speaking loosely by
> metaphor, awaiting that formulation...
> Left/Right is discussed/expressed as a dimension.    But I think we all
> can agree that the political domain is in fact, higher dimensional than
> that, and that our rhetoric projects dozens of issues onto that single
> dimension.
> I accept that it may be hard to put a metric on these dimensions, or to
> agree on the metric (or dimensions).   I would suspect that political
> scientists *do* have metrics and dimensions, but the ones I use anecdotally
> are simply my own wild-ass guesses.  I believe the anecdotally identified
> dimensions are at least *orderable* if not *metrizeable*...
> Does this still sound like nonsense?
> - Steve
> On 10/10/20 12:43 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
> Wait, what?  Eigenvectors are properties of a linear transformation from a
> space to itself.  What's the space and what's the linear transformation?
> Principal components analysis is a method of spanning a space of variables
> with one of lower dimension.
> Or are you speaking metaphorically?
> ---
> Frank C. Wimberly
> 140 Calle Ojo Feliz,
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505 670-9918
> Santa Fe, NM
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2020, 12:27 PM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:
>> Marcus -
>> (in mild agreement/acknowledgement of your point as I understand it)
>> I suppose my own biases about human nature are that we are driven along
>> an internal greed/fear axis which is then "weaponized" by the politicos.
>> The Right seems particularly adept at both, while impugning the Left as if
>> they are the ones playing those trump (Trump?) cards...
>> Other axes such as equality/equanimity,   group loyalty/deference to
>> authority, etc.   seem *somewhat* orthogonal..
>> I suspect the terms "Progressive" and "Conservative" don't really capture
>> what is actually exhibited/explored by the Left/Right tug-of war.   I know
>> that as I have aged/matured/evolved I've become *much* more socially
>> progressive whilst feeling much more conservative about progress itself...
>> not trusting the headlong rush we are on, while acknowledging that it is
>> (somewhat) inevitable.
>> Following the arc of SteveG's ideas about collective intelligence,
>> least/stationary action, bidirectional path-tracing as a paradigm that
>> eclipses or replaces or maybe subsumes  (neo) Darwinism and Paternalism,  I
>> also feel that we are overdue for some fundamental refactoring of our
>> collective models/paradigms.   I'm no more interested in the style of Pol
>> Pot's Communism than I am in Hitler's Fascism or Stalin's
>> Fascism-disguised-as-Socialism than I am in Trump's variants on the same.
>> They seem like they are all aberrant excursions into a highly compressed
>> (projection) subspace that is at best a *shadow* of what is really
>> needed/possible.
>> - Steve
>> On 10/10/20 11:37 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> My model is that people lean left and right as a developmental aspect of
>> personality, and the parties mimic but also manipulate those patterns.
>> People really must be gamed and manipulated by politicians because even the
>> best-intentioned people are often ignorant of the complexity of the
>> population and the practicalities of governance.    Worse, many people are
>> blamers who have nothing to add beyond What’s In It For Me.
>> *From:* Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> <friam-bounces at redfish.com> *On
>> Behalf Of *Steve Smith
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2020 9:55 AM
>> *To:* friam at redfish.com
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] labels
>> Nick-
>> Not trying to ding you personally for this, but this kind of blind
>> deference to authority/party/tribe/loyalty is one of the mechanisms I'm
>> trying to tease a part with Marcus' reference to the Left/Right *dominant*
>> component as an inevitability?  And I *think* EricC's questioning of that
>> assumption?
>> How *do* our political parties "precess" in higher dimensional space such
>> that the subdominant components can "flip" entirely...   how did the party
>> of Lincoln Republicans who rejected secession and abolished Slavery and
>> their opposition which had a strong component of what became formally the
>> Dixiecrats, effectively flip positions?   The party that accused (accuses?)
>> their opposition of being "tax and spenders" has become "print money and
>> spenders".   How do deficit Hawks become Deficit Doves or Owls, and is
>> there an instantaneous "tunneling" between these somewhat oppositional
>> positions?
>> https://citizenvox.org/2012/02/22/hawks-doves-and-owls-budget-policy-goes-to-the-zoo/
>> - Steve
>> Thaniks, EricS for reading and commenting on the Amy Interview  I am such
>> a benighted, naïve, stupid, optimist.  I can imagine that if she were an
>> Obama nominee, I would be saying, “We have a good one here!”
>> Nicholas Thompson
>> Emeritus Professor of Ethology and Psychology
>> Clark University
>> ThompNickSon2 at gmail.com
>> https://wordpress.clarku.edu/nthompson/
>> *From:* Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> <friam-bounces at redfish.com> *On
>> Behalf Of *David Eric Smith
>> *Sent:* Saturday, October 10, 2020 3:47 AM
>> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
>> <friam at redfish.com> <friam at redfish.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: [FRIAM] labels
>> Yes, and not only Ugh.
>> The two places this bothers me as a category error are:
>> 1. It conflates writing the rules of the game and being a player in the
>> game.  Shubik used to harp on this: that the government’s role as the
>> declarer of monetary policy, and as the participant in fiscal policy, were
>> roles at different levels, game designer versus large atomic player.  The
>> category isn’t quite as clean here, in that a rule targeting balanced
>> affiliation isn’t exactly the same as playing for one side.  It is a bit
>> more like certain monkey societies, in which the problem-solver steps in on
>> the side of whoever is being attacked to lessen the asymmetry.
>> But it still feels like it has a related problem, of defining an outer
>> law (constitution or statute for structure of the court) in terms of a
>> non-legal convention (the particular parties and how they are non-formally
>> categorized and weighted in the society at this time), and that feels
>> completely unstable against drift.
>> A more mechanism-design-y thing would be to revisit whichever Federalist
>> Paper it was that talked about the destabilizing role of parties, never
>> imagining the technologies for coordination that would be available to them
>> 230 years later, and ask what the mechanism update is to the constitution
>> in a world where instabilities toward consolidation are so extreme.  Kind
>> of the same spirit as revisiting capitalist property rights laws when a
>> warehouser and distributor can come to own the whole economy.
>> 2. In the Coney Barrett talk that Nick circulated, she made an important
>> point that should be true, even if we could argue that it is a smokescreen
>> that isn’t true in reality.  She says “liberal/conservative” in regard to
>> the interpretation of constitutional law are different categories from
>> “liberal/conservative” as political affiliations.  She probably even
>> believes it, though I expect that her SCOTUS decisions will magically align
>> with the political axes 100% of the time, and one must ask how that happens
>> to always be the case.
>> Of course, the question is whether it is all disingenuous.  Thomas Edsall
>> had a decent article in NYT a few days ago on originalism/living-text
>> definitions, that was right on the thread we were on.  It is interesting
>> that the opponents of each side make _exactly_ the same accusation toward
>> it: that the side they are criticizing has no real method and is a program
>> for rationalizing whatever outcome the judge wanted politically.  To the
>> extent that that is true in substance, if obfuscated in appearance, then
>> Coney Barrett’s claim that they are different categories is a falsehood.
>> One wonders then at what level of argument one could force her to
>> acknowledge that error.
>> Eric.
>> On Oct 9, 2020, at 11:18 PM, Eric Charles <eric.phillip.charles at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> --- reconfigure (expand) it from 9 to 15 but
>> *balance* the Left/Right ideology (I think he proposed 5/5) and then
>> ---------
>> Note that one thing both parties agree on is that we should conceive
>> politics as utterly and completely a choice between the two of them. God
>> forbid that we conceive of judges using any other dimensions. In fact,
>> let's enshrine it in law that we must forever focus on exactly whether we
>> have a "balance" of "left" and "right". Ugh!
>> On Thu, Oct 8, 2020 at 4:48 PM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com> wrote:
>> Ha!  I refer to the last bit as "ok fine, TWIST my drinking arm!" when
>> someone offers to buy me one...   the only one to twists my drinking arm
>> this last six months has been Mary... and Maybe Stephen and his circle
>> on "ZoomGrappaNight".
>> I don't like the language around "packing the court".   I don't think
>> "reconfiguring the court" is the same as "packing the court".   Clearly,
>> the (not so) loyal opposition to the Dems *would* pack the court...  add
>> 6 more justices and make sure they are ALL conservative leaners.   Pete
>> Buttegeig was the first to speak of this in my earshot, and HIS version
>> sounded pretty reasonable...   reconfigure (expand) it from 9 to 15 but
>> *balance* the Left/Right ideology (I think he proposed 5/5) and then
>> leave it to the Justices themselves to fill the remaining 5 (through
>> some arcane process?).    What the Republicans have been building up to
>> for decades is "packing the courts".
>> Checks and balances are tricky, as is depending on social norms and
>> standards, but I think it might be "as good as it gets", at least for
>> the time being.
>> - Steve
>> On 10/8/20 1:36 PM, uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ wrote:
>> > Ha! That was the essence of one of the 538 panel member's phrasing
>> suggestion for Kamala Harris in response to Pence's question about packing
>> SCOTUS. The elaborated version was: "Because confirming Barrett, NOW, is
>> such a horribly wrong thing to do, we have no choice BUT to pack the
>> court." ... I.e. now look what you made me do. That was my dad's favorite
>> phrase to justify whatever abuse he chose to mete out that day. He once ran
>> over my bicycle with his truck. I *made* him run over my bike because I
>> left it laying in the driveway. It's a running joke with my fellow drinkers
>> who *regularly* FORCE me to drink more than I should. There is no free
>> will. I live to serve.
>> >
>> > On 10/8/20 11:28 AM, Marcus Daniels wrote:
>> >> Look what you made me do,
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