[FRIAM] Talent and Moral Luck - Steelman attempt

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Jan 14 13:37:44 EST 2021

< If Marcus' nihilist view that "it is all levers" is more true than not, it explains why this grand experiment of "civilization" seems to be collapsing into a cesspool of it's own making, under it's own weight.  >

I’m not sure why you call it nihilist.   If some people are trying to change the world in a way I don’t like, then there is no choice but to push back, especially when persuasion doesn’t work.   I’m happy to give to charities that have products like “legal defense fund”, even if it isn’t tax deductible.   Those organizations seek a goal I have, and I alone couldn’t do it.   Leverage.   Sure in other cases one begins to have doubts, or mistrust the organizations, like with assured destruction.  Even there, I’m down with that when it is Obama but not Trump.    Believing civil persuasion is always possible is just not aligned with the real world.

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