[FRIAM] incitement

Robert J. Cordingley robert at cirrillian.com
Tue Jan 19 14:13:57 EST 2021

So textually analyze "will no one rid me of this turbulent priest 

Your last sentiment if widely held is scary indeed. Acquitting is being 
absolved of the crime.  As others have pointed out what would a 
president have to do to be found guilty if not to want to and attempt to 
encourage the overthrowing of the results of a legally held, fair and 
square democratic election result? With Trump gone(?) the sore 
still exists and we need to deter other wannabe autocrats from a repeat 
performance. It's not a laughing matter.


On 1/19/21 9:02 AM, uǝlƃ ↙↙↙ wrote:
> How Trump’s language shifted in the weeks leading up to the Capitol riot – 2 linguists explain
> https://theconversation.com/how-trumps-language-shifted-in-the-weeks-leading-up-to-the-capitol-riot-2-linguists-explain-152483
> There's plenty to doubt, there. But it follows along our previous conversations about ambiguity (both [in]formal) and binding. Personally, I don't believe Trump purposefully incited the riot. He'd have to be a literal genius to *purposefully* use language like this with the intent/objectives attributed to him. What does it mean, though, to *accidentally* incite a riot? Where does _mens rea_ fall for incitement? It seems most plausible that Trump is simply pre-adapted to riot-incitement by his years of practiced marketing bullsh¡t and the trendly positive feedback he gets from that marketing bullsh¡t. He did incite a *rally*. He loves when his groupies get together to fawn over him. But did he incite them to riot? I don't think so. Laughable as the idea is, were I a Senator, I'd probably vote to acquit.
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