[FRIAM] Rotary Cell Phone (Description and Build)

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Wed Jan 20 15:33:07 EST 2021

Jon -

I really like your phrase

    "... closer to the heart of what it means to be a musical instrument".

My friend/colleague Panaiotis (in ABQ) plays hard in that domain:


Here is quite a range of interesting entries into a competition he was in:


I helped Panaiotis develop some of the early prototypes of this system
and more to the point, apply his concepts/techniques to the
"musification" of data.  Our most successful project was the Immersive
Network Intrusion Detection system circa 2003.

Panaiotis has shifted his focus to a commercial app and a collection of
STEAM projects:


- Steve

On 1/20/21 7:37 AM, jon zingale wrote:
> Perhaps. Though I do find it sad that synthesizer design (for instance) so
> quickly converged onto piano-like interfaces and the occasional switch pad.
> For a moment there in the 70s and 80s, thanks to explorative minds of people
> like the writers of ElectroNotes, there was the possibility of something
> more and not simply by novelty. I would often enjoy flipping through the
> journal and reading about reeded interfaces with nonlinear regimes and ideas
> that seemed to get closer to the heart of what it means to be an instrument.
> Wrestling and smacking the body of an acoustic instrument is nothing like
> wrestling and smacking the body of a Casio keyboard.
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