[FRIAM] coding versus music

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Wed Jan 27 12:41:15 EST 2021

For a while now there has been a huge push to teach kids how to code. Ostensibly because it enhances skills like language, logic, and math; plus, "computer literacy" is essential in a world filled with computers.

A study at MIT suggests that coding skill is orthogonal to reading skill and has little, if any, influence on development of logic/math skills.

An article in the Journal of Neuroscience argues that if you want to increase the "skills and brainpower" of kids you should teach them music.

I came across this information peripherally and have not read the specific research reported on. I *_want_* the reports to be accurate representation of the research because it confirms long held biases against the value of "computational thinking" and computer science as a fundamental knowledge domain.

dave west
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