[FRIAM] The case for vegetarianism

Pieter Steenekamp pieters at randcontrols.co.za
Sat Jun 12 09:40:21 EDT 2021

I don't know the members of Friam personally, but I get the impression it's
not exactly a youth club and maybe some might be interested in living
healthier longer? (Compared to most others in our culture). I've been
following the longevity work of David Sinclair and just maybe one of you
might find it interesting?. I quote:
"David A. Sinclair, Ph.D., A.O. is a Professor in the Department of
Genetics and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging
Research at Harvard Medical School".
If you navigate the site you'll find a list of his publications.

A short video clip from an interview with David where he discusses plant-
vs meat-diets. His conclusion is that to live healthier longer (as opposed
to merely living longer) one should (amongst many other things) not eat
meat, especially not read meat. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmRzeD4_41M

Disclaimer: according to David, vegetarianism is not the most important
factor in living healthier longer, it's probably relatively low on the
list, so die-hard carnivores (like myself) can still eat moderate amounts
of red meat and still live healthier longer.

To conclude, a short presentation by David about his work on longevity in
general: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0V-IaeVCHlw
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