[FRIAM] Oooh ... That got me fired up.

uǝlƃ ☤>$ gepropella at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 16:56:00 EDT 2021

Of course. That's the *purpose* of postmodernism, in general, and critical race theory, in particular: to understand the past such that the future can be better. The trick is when you choose to "read through" the text and when you choose to treat the text as naturfact.

But the deeper issue is that of trust. Here's an excellent lay out:

"O’Connor: Younger people are more savvy about identifying fake news, able to look at different aspects of some website and say, Oh, this probably isn’t real, and so are less likely to share it."

Yet another reason old people must die.

On 6/24/21 12:08 PM, Pieter Steenekamp wrote:
> I listened to the clip and I agree with what the general said - understanding different views is very important. 
> The bigger issue is of course the basis of all this and it goes beyond the borders of the US; it's racism and history. My personal view is not to ignore it, but to put less emphasis on the past and more emphasis on what we can do right now to make it better in the future. 

☤>$ uǝlƃ

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