[FRIAM] Application of robo-pigeon in ethological studies of bird flocks

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Nov 11 12:22:19 EST 2021

Nick -
> Chinese science moves ahead in the development of the ideal society.
I don't mean to be flip in my question, but have to ask if you are being 
flip in this statement?  Can you say more about what you think the 
Chinese gov't/people/culture might be "trying" to do, either overtly, or 
implicitly by simply following their individual goals/interests/desires?

I believe that the collective dynamics between Nations/Peoples are what 
is dominating the movement/evolution of humanity (cultural, not genetic) 
and that it is like an N-body problem in complexity and subtlety but is 
effected primarily through network relations.

Like Gene Expression Networks, I believe that the more important "memes" 
(I think this is a useful but risky metaphorical binding that Dawkins 
coined for us most of a career (for me) ago) are those that are 
_regulatory_ which is why the likes of Trump and Bannon and Stone and 
the whole cabal of supervillians we are coping with these days focus on 
things like "fake news!" and "big lie!", etc.   In the spirit of 
McLuhan, "the medium IS the message", the medium itself becomes the 
_thing to manipulate_ like trying to disrupt the news credibility and 
the election process as well as becoming the definition of a tweetHole, 
and using Facebook to disseminate dysInfo etc.

I know this is an acute threadbend, you were trying to talk about birds 
and flocking and experimental techniques for studying same...  if you do 
feel inclined to answer, it is probably best to rethread.

> https://jin.imrpress.com/article/2020/1757-448X/1757-448X-19-3-443.shtml
> If the robo-pigeon is a dominant member of the flock, you can make the 
> flock do loop-di-loops by commanding the robo-pigeon to loop.  If 
> subordinate, the loop-di-looping behavior of the robopigeon has no 
> effect on the flock.  A robo-pigeon is one with a brain implant and 
> pigeons are operated on AFTER their dominance in the flock has been 
> determined.
> I hope I have this all right.
> Nick
> .-- .- -. - / .- -.-. - .. --- -. ..--.. / -.-. --- -. .--- ..- --. .- - .
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