[FRIAM] Wizards[⚣]?

Jon Zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 18:21:08 EST 2021

Your clips were fun, but I am dead serious about you guys being wizards.
There is something in your way of thinking which the rest of us don’t
understand.  I think it’s closely related to a development/organismic/
dynamic way of thinking that keeps struggling for a hearing in psychology.

I am glad you liked the clips. "Ooo ee ooo, what a few crowd-sourced
dollars can do ooo ooo"[♫], though I am dead serious that it may not be
wizardry you are looking for. A summarized distinction[⚣≠☿] between
wizard and sorcerer might go something like this:

  1.The term “sorcerer” is derived from Old French while “wizard” is taken
from Old English.
  2.Sorcerers are said to be more inherently adept to magic and are
considered as natural spell casters.
  3.Wizards learn their craft and spells from long hours of studying and
  4.Wizards are often pictured as old magicians with long beards while
sorcerers are usually more youthful than the wizards.
  5.Based on some popular fantasy games, wizards rely so much on their
spell books for them to create magic unlike sorcerers who can cast such out
of thin air.

I am not sure I have ever met a member of one type that didn't spend a
little time wondering about the other. What is most strange, to my
anecdotal eye, is the amount of time each seems to dedicate to denying
the other, like the drunk under the street light investing in making sure
that the sun never rises again.

Those musings aside, what do you imagine such a "hearing in psychology"
would look like? Don't you think that psychology is already swamped in
dynamical thinking?

[♫] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldwDvw99HHs&ab_channel=HenriErwig
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