[FRIAM] self-care

Jon Zingale jonzingale at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 18:28:30 EDT 2022

I think I disagree with Glen here. When the accumulated meatiness of "my"
fist meets the face of the bloke next to "me" at the bar, I see no problem
with him blaming "me" for the violence, whether or not there is a
consistent formal theory of "me" for him to found his judgement upon. It is
an abuse of rhetoric, IMO, to then go on to explain to the bloke why I
couldn't have punched him.

as far as:


Seen from New Delhi (India), a distance of 8,000 miles, the US of A appears
as a monolithic ("One nation under a Christian God") capitalist nation
regardless of which of your 2 interchangeable parties are in power in
Washington. For us Trump is the same as Biden, Farid Zakaria is no
different from Tucker Carlson.


Yeah, some of us here feel that way too. I am always sorry to hear
that this kind of violence is being perpetrated around the globe. It
doesn't take much work to uncover some truly inhumane actions carried
out or supported by actors at all levels of American hegemony.
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