[FRIAM] AI etiquette, Marijuana research

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Wed Jul 20 21:38:38 EDT 2022

I would not consider Asimov's robots to be "flat and empty," but they are an anomaly in that regard. They did, after all, invent the Zeroth Law of Robotics all by themselves.


On Wed, Jul 20, 2022, at 2:18 PM, David Eric Smith wrote:
> I feel like this is yet another reminder that humans, by and large, lack imagination.
> The reason robots in sci-fi are flat and empty is because sci-fi is re-telling Descartes’s assertion that everything except humans (probably, sotto voce, except him) are flat and affectless.  Maybe even more than machines are that, we imprint that on the paradigm of machine.  It’s just the age-old thing of people needing to feel singular and important, and using vehicles like religion to systematize their neediness.  That sci-fi prides itself on being imaginative, while re-telling the same small portfolio of bible stories and other similar sources is human Dunning-Krugerness on display.
> A world free of all that corruption probably has lots of dimensions of possibility that humans will just drive by without noticing because their minds are elsewhere.
> Of course, each of your detailed points I recognize is true and a good one,
> Eric
>> On Jul 21, 2022, at 2:05 AM, cody dooderson <d00d3rs0n at gmail.com> wrote:
>> It is surprising that AI is so creative. Many science fiction robots were calculated but uncreative. They are like Data from star trek, basically a calculator with very little creative potential. But it seems like AI, as it develops, is actually more creative than its human counterparts. 
>> Here are a few examples that come to mind. AlphaGo beat the grandmaster, Lee Sedol, with moves that the grandmaster had never seen before. The art world is seeing some very cool stuff coming out of trained neural networks like Dall-e2*.  In the Sony article, they talk about a trick where the AI put a wheel on the grass to initiate a controlled slide. Do you think that modern Neural networks will give any insight into the nature of creativity?
>> * Dall-e2 https://www.reddit.com/r/weirddalle/ 
>> Cody Smith
>> On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 7:19 AM Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:
>>> Two articles from MIT Tech Review.
>>> https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/07/19/1056176/sonys-racing-ai-destroyed-its-human-competitors-by-being-nice-and-fast/ <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.technologyreview.com%2f2022%2f07%2f19%2f1056176%2fsonys-racing-ai-destroyed-its-human-competitors-by-being-nice-and-fast%2f&c=E,1,sW_uqrRPOXBSOBOKyAZBXmUeEC_gAg6bC8gm1INQST-ojGhCL2hs6hZ0n3OXOMaE29ZvHzCImJ-clJq2975O6Z7VJXWF-auEZX7UaV_rfFo7jCerKI3uQrTt&typo=1>
>>> Training AI drivers for Gran Turismo racing, it turns out that they can learn to physically drive faster than people, but they're too aggressive to win head to head races because they drive the competition off the road.  So you need to train them to observe the norms of the competition, by including penalties for crashes, bumps, cut-offs, etc, into the training.  They still drive faster than people, and the way they drive is a bit disturbing to watch.
>>> [So if you were training AI drivers for political races, would the norms come from established law or where the voters could be persuaded to mark their polls?]
>>> https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/07/20/1056219/weed-influencer-and-scientist-feud-over-cannabis-hyperemesis-syndrome/ <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.technologyreview.com%2f2022%2f07%2f20%2f1056219%2fweed-influencer-and-scientist-feud-over-cannabis-hyperemesis-syndrome%2f&c=E,1,V2LEaPWTwH3T7VFjGfU7bcnhh0onNBmvFckXpaLoRhfL1fS-X5j4_shbXCArwd2na4pUY52IMOtyZK5VLSHLt7YD7qfxOsYsys64-ZDOhZIodihFmXY1Zg,,&typo=1>
>>> The scientist and the instagram influencer attempt to study the genetic causes of CHS (cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome) and the influencer blows up the study when she declares that the scientist is a shill on her channel.  Ah the joys of decision making with uncertainty and cognitive bias.
>>> -- rec --
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