[FRIAM] war footing

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 12:33:14 EST 2022

[insert comment about how Wind Turbines don't contribute when it's not
windy here][and a gentle reminder how F'n sexy nuclear is. Now if only we
can get fusion to work without gajillion tons of pressure.]

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 10:30 AM cody dooderson <d00d3rs0n at gmail.com> wrote:

> I will have to update my bumper sticker from "Bread Not Bombs" to "Bread,
> Solar Panels, and Wind Turbines Not Bombs."
> I like that idea. The green war approach would benefit everyone a lot more
> than sending in a swarm of weaponized drones.
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022, 10:08 AM Roger Critchlow <rec at elf.org> wrote:
>> I'm thinking that a way to escalate our response to Putin, without
>> actually fighting him, is to build a "green war machine".  Start a crash
>> project to research, develop, and deliver the technology to liberate our
>> european allies from their energy dependencies on russian oil and gas.  And
>> everyone else as a side effect.
>> That this is all stuff that we *cough* should be doing anyway is bonus
>> content.  But what we can't seem to do for the "right" reasons might be
>> easily done as a way to thwart an enemy who is so successfully making
>> himself the most reviled man of our age.
>> Longer term, the economic effects of the sanctions, the social effects of
>> the ukrainian refugee crisis, and the demoralization of watching brute
>> force in action are going to hurt our side a lot.  That may be Putin's
>> actual endgame for the "operation" while he pretends to be Trump.   Better
>> to be doing something positive than to be waiting around to see how it
>> turns out.
>> -- rec --
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