[FRIAM] altered states of consciousness

Marcus Daniels marcus at snoutfarm.com
Thu Mar 17 12:02:16 EDT 2022

< The DNA individual testing seems like a good domain to consider as well with a modest percent of the population motivated to pay to be part of the massive data gathering in return for a few hints about their ancestry and/or health-risks.   The data gathered is technically (always?) available to the consumer, but the true value is in the collective which is what the companies are monetizing.  I know their are some open-data/source projects to try to mirror what the private companies are doing, but it requires customers of the commercial companies to intentionally download/upload their sequence data.  >

The UK Biobank is one of the most impressive efforts.   They have full genome sequences on 200K+ people, and genotyping on 500K.   There’s very thorough lifestyle and health data available, and even medical records.   Shows what can be done with an integrated public health service.

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