[FRIAM] Getting Verbed...

Gillian Densmore gil.densmore at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 13:54:42 EST 2022

We forgot: (thing or trend) getting #cancled.
And Poodlesec, and LulSec's favorite pastime: DDoS'ed and Doxed.
Carry on.

On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 10:30 AM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:

> Steve writes:
> < The one-world-order/globalism that multinational industry, religion, and
> politics has been flirting with for millenia now seems like an inevitable
> happening upon which a fresh mode of complexity/diversity will emerge.   It
> isn't un-motivated to resist the "integration" phase if you are one of the
> entities which evolved in the context of the leadup differentiation phase. >
> I think of secular globalism as more of platform for the next fresh mode
> of complexity to emerge.   The words I use (I think for the same thing) are
> exploration vs. exploitation, which roughly correspond to the union and the
> confederacy and their modern equivalents.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam <friam-bounces at redfish.com> On Behalf Of Steve Smith
> Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 8:18 AM
> To: friam at redfish.com
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] Getting Verbed...
> I think that throwing one's weight (wealth) around indiscriminately
> (without regard to obvious collateral damage) is an evil no less judge-able
> than other "sins of omission".   It may be more *structural* or *systemic*
> evil than *personal* in the sense that *being a
> billionaire* is a setup for out-of-scale (ir)responsibility.  Trump may
> not be technically a billionaire any longer (unless you allow for billions
> in debt) if he ever was, but his cult-figure status translates into a much
> larger bull-in-china-shop presence than mere wealth.
> If Musk's Twitter-buy makes any sense it is in the interplay of wealth,
> influence, ego and the erratic bull-in-china-shop application of wealth is
> clearly translating into a ego/influence boost *inside* the cult-of-Elon
> and it's collateral mutally-supporting vortices-of-ego (Trump, Putin,
> Thiel, Musk, Rogan, etc.) which just pumps more energy into the "chaos"
> (scare quotes intended).   I'm sure they believe that they are doing the
> proverbial "millions of dollars worth of improvement"
> attributed to tornado-systems when they tear through a 50's era
> mobile-home park.   And within their logic system maybe it is literally
> true.
> Regarding unipolar/multipolar/globalist/diversity arguments, the growth of
> complex adaptive systems includes the pattern of differentiation and
> re-integration at each level of complexity. The one-world-order/globalism
> that multinational industry, religion, and politics has been flirting with
> for millenia now seems like an inevitable happening upon which a fresh mode
> of complexity/diversity will emerge.   It isn't un-motivated to resist the
> "integration" phase if you are one of the entities which evolved in the
> context of the leadup differentiation phase. It is not un-natural for
> sub-entities to be more and/or less "ready" to give over to or accept the
> next phase that implicitly undermines much of what makes it unique
> (differentiated).
> It is complicated to try to span these levels of organizaiton, and in
> fact, possibly impossible?  Is it possible for an entity at one level of
> scale/complexity to survive (be expansion) to embrace the next level
> (whatever levels actually mean in this context - nod to Glen's
> discussion/distrust around "levels")?   Seems like not... even attempting
> to describe that transcending from my *level* is probably an illusion.
> On 11/8/22 5:26 AM, glen∉ℂ wrote:
> > Nichols' argument rings a little true with Musk and Trump, not so much
> > with Thiel. Along the lines of Doctorow, this guy has a plausible take:
> >
> > https://bylinetimes.com/2022/11/07/musks-twitter-buy-makes-no-sense-un
> > less-its-part-of-something-bigger/
> >
> >
> > The "multipolar" world might actually be a good faith attempt to
> > preserve/restore diversity. Most of my hard lefty friends really do
> > think the Dem establishment is an insidious evil who are exploiting
> > Evil[⛧] Republicans just so they can preserve their Liberal World
> > Order, in a unipolar way. So for deeper thinkers like Thiel (and maybe
> > the Musk of a decade ago), the ecological rhetoric that heterogeneity
> > allows for better solutions than homogeny is reasonable. [∝]
> >
> > I certainly don't buy Troy's argument for the impulsive Musk that
> > trolls on Twitter and buys it, or the Trump who flops around like a
> > fish on the dock. They do seem to be acting out of grievance. Of
> > course, people are large, full of contradictions. Only our robot
> > overlords will be able to act truly rational.
> >
> > [⛧] Capital "E" to indicate that the current batch is really too
> > stupid to be actually evil.
> >
> > [∝] Of course, this ignores the regime/freezing argument where a
> > unipolar "driver" for a given homeostatic state allows for finer
> > grained wiggling inside. Even if Thiel and ilk are thinking in this
> > "heterodox" way, they might be blind to the idea their upsetting the
> > cart will destroy their own fortunes as well ... beyond the veil of
> > ignorance.
> >
> > On 11/7/22 18:05, Marcus Daniels wrote:
> >> After being a fly on the wall at SFI and similar places, this sounds
> >> exactly right to me.  Nixon too.
> >>
> >> original.jpg
> >> Elon. Trump. Resentment.
> >> <https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/11/elon-trump-r
> >> esentment/672030/>
> >> theatlantic.com
> >> <https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/11/elon-trump-r
> >> esentment/672030/>
> >>
> >> <https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2022/11/elon-trump-r
> >> esentment/672030/>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >>
> >>> On Nov 7, 2022, at 1:58 PM, Gillian Densmore
> >>> <gil.densmore at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>> Oh and SCOTUSed, the tech sector getting Biden'd and Demed. The
> >>> Sunshine Protection act getting tantrum'd. Yes I will stay petty
> >>> about the dems and the house have a chance to do /something / other
> >>> than complain about other people and be in campaign mode all the
> >>> time I get news'd a retarded poloticioned (so poloticion.) your a
> >>> senator that's 900 years old acting like a 3 year old eh? congrats
> >>> on being a waste of air.
> >>>
> >>> On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 2:47 PM Gillian Densmore
> >>> <gil.densmore at gmail.com <mailto:gil.densmore at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>     You forgot getting Bushed twice.
> >>>
> >>>     On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 1:59 PM Steve Smith <sasmyth at swcp.com
> >>> <mailto:sasmyth at swcp.com>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>         We been Musked, we been Trumped, the Russians and Ukranians
> >>> and much of
> >>>         Europe has been Putined and perhaps Balsinaro (and his
> >>> followers have
> >>>         been sumarrily Lula'd)?  One of the more satisfying targets
> >>> for my own
> >>>         doomscrolling is to find examples of Corporate Execs and
> >>> Republican
> >>>         AHoles being KatiePortered.  SNL fans love watch loving
> >>> people get
> >>>         McKinnoned.
> >>>
> >>>         I'm probably just begging to get Ropella'd here...
> >>>
> >>>         On 11/7/22 12:04 PM, glen wrote:
> >>>         > Musk *is* the joke. A joke of a person ... like we now use
> >>> the verb Borked. "Musk" could be shorthand for Poe's Law,
> >>> exquisitely explained in the recent Onion friend of the court filing.
> >>>         >
> >>>         > "You were totally Musked, man. It's not even bad faith.
> >>> That guy couldn't joke his way out of a paper bag."
> >>>         >
> >>>         >
> >>>         > On November 7, 2022 10:33:38 AM EST, Marcus Daniels
> >>> <marcus at snoutfarm.com <mailto:marcus at snoutfarm.com>> wrote:
> >>>         >> Where’s the sense of humor now?
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>> <https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11397213/Musk-threatens-bo
> >>> ot-Twitter-account-impersonators.html
> >>> <https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11397213/Musk-threatens-bo
> >>> ot-Twitter-account-impersonators.html>>
> >>>
> >>>         >> [64260315-0-image-a-4_1667788476734.jpg]
> >>>         >> Musk threatens to boot Twitter account
> >>> impersonators<https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11397213/Musk
> >>> -threatens-boot-Twitter-account-impersonators.html
> >>> <https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11397213/Musk-threatens-bo
> >>> ot-Twitter-account-impersonators.html>>
> >>>
> >>>         >> dailymail.co.uk
> >>> <http://dailymail.co.uk><https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11
> >>> 397213/Musk-threatens-boot-Twitter-account-impersonators.html
> >>> <https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11397213/Musk-threatens-bo
> >>> ot-Twitter-account-impersonators.html>>
> >>>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> Sent from my iPhone
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> On Nov 6, 2022, at 5:53 PM, glen <gepropella at gmail.com
> >>> <mailto:gepropella at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>  That you call Mastodon 'twitter-like' is discomforting.
> >>> ActivityPub is fundamentally different.I guess the premature
> >>> registration is reasonable, given the politics of the moment. But
> >>> the 'fediverse' really is distributed, very unlike twitter. I really
> >>> love that the Gab twits ported to Mastodon. That, unlike Musk's
> >>> perverted conception, is a real example of free speech. You really
> >>> are free to turn open source and open protocol to your weirdo
> >>> subculture. We just don't have to link to you.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> Don't think 'twitter-like'. Think 'decentralized'.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> On November 6, 2022 5:51:40 PM EST, Steve Smith
> >>> <sasmyth at swcp.com <mailto:sasmyth at swcp.com>> wrote:
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> Trying to understand BookWyrm vs StoryGraph vs GoodReads
> >>> and Twitter vs Mastadon (and beyond), I found this aggregator of
> >>> alternative recommendations:
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> https://alternativeto.net/ <https://alternativeto.net/>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> which doesn't necessarily solve anything, it just makes
> >>> it obvious how challenging "too many choices" can be...
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> After a lame attempt to go with Mastadon I decided to
> >>> abandond Twitter-like things altogether.  I doubt I will be willing
> >>> to throw GoodReads over for anything else because of the
> >>> participating base of my own personal/family network there.   I can
> >>> at least avoid clicking through a GoodReads recommendation to order
> >>> from Amazon.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> https://alternativeto.net/software/bookwyrm/
> >>> <https://alternativeto.net/software/bookwyrm/>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> I haven't begun (tried?) to evaluate AlternativeTo.Net
> >>> itself...
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> Is this the tragedy of the "free market" (subset of
> >>> "commons")?
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> On 11/4/22 3:00 PM, glen wrote:
> >>>         >> I'd forgotten about this until the release yesterday:
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> https://joinbookwyrm.com/ <https://joinbookwyrm.com/>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> On 11/2/22 14:52, Steve Smith wrote:
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> On 11/2/22 9:43 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
> >>>         >> Thanks, Glen.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> It would be nice if there were a public bibliographic
> >>> reference url that one could use to name a book that only conveyed
> >>> the thing in itself.  Goodreads was that once, then Amazon bought
> >>> them.  Ditto for video and audio recordings and other objects of
> >>> public interest.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> I admit to continuing to use Goodreads this way in spite
> >>> of two problems... the Amazon affiliation/ownership of course, but
> >>> also the too often spotty reviews...  I don't provide many nor
> >>> particularly good reviews myself, so I've no room to complain really.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> So I suppose I agree with your "public bibliographic
> >>> reference url" point.   It seems as if Wikipedia is a good candidate
> >>> but I haven't done the work to understand how new entries are
> >>> made... are they always required to be made by a citizen of the
> >>> community who is NOT affiliated with the book (publisher, author,
> >>> etc)? I find a *lot* of the books I seek in Wikipedia and prefer
> >>> them for reference when their book-description (and cross links to
> >>> related works, author, etc) are particularly apt, but that is also
> >>> spotty.  I use Goodreads mostly to follow what family/friends are
> >>> reading and what *they* think of their reads.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> The trend toward crowd-sourced public-use corpii being
> >>> acquired by private interests (even public corporations are private
> >>> interests) is disturbing (FB <-Mapillary, Amazon<-Goodreads)...
> >>>  Twitter->BoringCo, etc)
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> Eugenia Cheng has other books and a pile of youtube
> >>> videos.  Interestingly, her primary institutional affiliation is the
> >>> Art Institute of Chicago, where as resident scientist she teaches
> >>> math to art students.  She has a public reading for kids scheduled
> >>> in Jersey City this month.  Her definition of category theory is
> >>> "the mathematics of mathematics" which she expands as "the logical
> >>> study of the logical study of logical things."
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> Hasok Chang has a third book, Is Water H2O, which Amazon
> >>> fails to index on his amazon author page, though it is on amazon at
> >>> a blistering price in every available format.  I found a pdf on the
> >>> internets.  It's details the history of working out the chemical
> >>> identity of water. Two themes are that 1) the consensus answers to
> >>> scientific questions often change in anticipation of the arrival of
> >>> corroboration, 2) there are often multiple acceptable answers to
> >>> scientific questions.  These are possibly consequences of being a
> >>> realisitic realist.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> Interesting set of recursions...  we CS types tend to
> >>> love our arbitrary-depth recursion, but the special cases like
> >>> double-negatives, and Rummy's unkown unknowns and now Chang's
> >>> logical logicologoy of logics and realistic realists are ...
> >>> *special*?  While some may prefer "turtles all the way down"
> >>> sometimes just a few turtles deep suffices?
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> - Steve
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> PS... couldn't help hearing/reading "Cheech&Chong" on the
> >>> first reading of this thread.
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> -- rec --
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >> On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 9:57 AM glen <gepropella at gmail.com
> >>> <mailto:gepropella at gmail.com>><mailto:gepropella at gmail.com
> >>> <mailto:gepropella at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>     There. I fixed that for you. 8^D
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>     On 11/1/22 19:36, Roger Critchlow wrote:
> >>>         >>     > Interesting visit with my old boss/friend today, he
> >>> mentioned some books of interest, and while looking for them I
> >>> discovered yet another book.
> >>>         >>     >
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>> https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-joy-of-abstraction-an-exploration-o
> >>> f-math-category-theory-and-life-eugenia-cheng/18557720?ean=978110847
> >>> 7222
> >>> <https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-joy-of-abstraction-an-exploration-
> >>> of-math-category-theory-and-life-eugenia-cheng/18557720?ean=97811084
> >>> 77222>
> >>>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>     > Exploration-Category-Theory/dp/1108477224>
> >>>         >>     > Eugenia Cheng, The Joy of Abstraction: An
> >>> Exploration of Math, Category Theory, and Life, published October 2022.
> >>>         >>     >
> >>>         >>     > A presentation of category theory that keeps the
> >>> underlying algebra basic.
> >>>         >>     >
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>> https://bookshop.org/p/books/inventing-temperature-measurement-and-s
> >>> cientific-progress-hasok-chang/9513488?ean=9780195337389
> >>> <https://bookshop.org/p/books/inventing-temperature-measurement-and-
> >>> scientific-progress-hasok-chang/9513488?ean=9780195337389>
> >>>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>     > Hasok Chang, Inventing Temperature: Measurement and
> >>> Scientific Progress
> >>>         >>     >
> >>>         >>     > An itemized history of temperature and all the
> >>> wrong turns taken along the way, more detail than even the author
> >>> cares to read again.  Poetic justice to examine the operation of the
> >>> pragmatist's ratchet and pawl over the centuries as it rescues
> >>> workable definitions of temperature from thermal confusion.
> >>>         >>     >
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>
> >>> https://bookshop.org/p/books/realism-for-realistic-people-a-new-prag
> >>> matist-philosophy-of-science-hasok-chang/18368583?ean=9781108470384
> >>> <https://bookshop.org/p/books/realism-for-realistic-people-a-new-pra
> >>> gmatist-philosophy-of-science-hasok-chang/18368583?ean=9781108470384
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>>         >>
> >>>         >>     > Hasok Chang, Realism for Realistic People: A New
> >>> Pragmatist Philosophy of Science, available on kindle on November
> >>> 30, 2022.
> >>>         >>     >
> >>>         > -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-.
> >>> --- -.. .
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> >>>         >
> >
> >
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