[FRIAM] collective sheepishness

Steve Smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Nov 22 12:45:14 EST 2022

> Not Sheep, but human societies, have done similar things in our 
> collective past.
> David Graeber's book, the Origin of Everything, details the 
> multiplicity of organizational and governmental forms and poses the 
> question of how did we get stuck in the one we have now.
> davew

It does seem not unlike technological lockin...  Their have been modes 
of mutual lockin over and over in history it seems...   and generally 
takes (took) an external perturbation to break the pattern.  Some of us 
imagined/hoped that the fall of the Soviet Union would lead to a 
significantly new global dynamic with a modest "peace dividend".    And 
the formalization/normalization European national-relations that lead to 
the EU was another phase transition.   The results were limited (modulo 

I think Dave is (West, Weingrow and Graeber, all) is suggesting 
something much more significant (even) than things like the shift from 
Czarist Russia to the Leninist Communist early Soviet Union.

Harari's _Sapiens_ describes a time before the age of (European) 
Exploration when there were a handful of separate Universes-of-Culture 
with presumably *NO* mutual contact (Afro-Eurasia, MesoAmerica, Andean 
South America,  Australia, Pacifica) on the scale of centuries if not 
millenia.    Meanwhile, there were myriad foraging/subsistence 
subcultures aware of and constrained by but not *driven* by these 
mega-cultures who were able to form up their own variations based on 
myriad factors.

It seems to me that our current lock-in is severely limited by the 
global transportation, communication (and therefore trade/military, etc) 
technological reality.

Those of us who might openly idealize (DaveW, GaryS, Self, ...) a rural 
semi-self-sufficient self-governing lifestyle are (should be) confronted 
with the lack of resource available for more than a tiny fraction of the 
current 8billion to live that way.   One of Harari's points about the 
"dawn of agriculture" is that the result was *not* an improved 
nutrition/security profile for any individual (just the opposite), but 
rather a denser (human) carrying capacity of a landscape.  It appears we 
have gone past that point everywhere but the most remote regions.   Even 
the hinterlands of NM, UT, and Ecuador where the three of us implicated 
by this paragraph live are likely well past being able to support a 
subsistence (much less foraging) lifestyle for even a fraction of those 
already parked here?   The scale of apocalypse required to reduce 
population to such a level is unthinkable by most measures... not to 
mention all the damn Zombies wandering around for decades until their 
bodies fully decompose?

> On Mon, Nov 21, 2022, at 7:26 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>> From hackernews
>> https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01769-8
>> corrected link from comments to
>> "Sheep flocks alternate their leader and achieve collective intelligence"
>> The secret sauce of american democracy.
>> -- rec --
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