[FRIAM] Euler exploit

glen gepropella at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 12:54:49 EDT 2023

Damnit! When I saw Nic Cage, I thought "Whoa! If Nick has BUNNY, then *I* need some BUNNY!" Then I find out it's just a joke about his character in that prisoners on the plane movie. [sigh] I thought I'd finally found an excuse to own something other than Ada.

On 3/15/23 09:12, Steve Smith wrote:
> Good one Gil !
> And my contribution: Another Day, Another Billion <https://de.fi/rekt-database>. Who knew?
> I'm tempted simultaneously to seek an analogy between the current Blockchain/Crypto-Wild-West and the early Industrial Period  as well as with any era of biological/evolutionary florescence...
> I looked around for a clue-stick to test out on myself before offering it to Glen, but found nothing satisfying as of yet...
> I did find this on flash loans and the attacks crafted around them as of a year ago... I was (almost) able to follow the bulk of the description:
> https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/what-are-flash-loan-attacks
> On 3/15/23 9:33 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:
>> lol how you put it reads like people putting together a band list and a NSFW get together.
>> Person: ok The Multichain Bridges are for the really freeky people, Has anyone heard from the Crypto Mixers? what about Soft Liquidation Logic that hot new techno goth band?
>> On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 7:10 AM glen <gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:
>>     Euler attack causes locked tokens, losses in 11 DeFi protocols, including Balancer
>>     https://cointelegraph.com/news/euler-attack-causes-locked-tokens-losses-in-11-defi-protocols-including-balancer
>>     I'm so totally lost ... multichain bridges, crypto mixers, soft liquidation logic, 2/3 Gnosis Multisig, ?!?!? What in hell am I reading? Whippings with the clue stick welcome.

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