[FRIAM] cults

Roger Critchlow rec at elf.org
Sun Oct 8 15:30:37 EDT 2023

Feels like an AI-fake, or maybe time erodes us into the worst imaginings of
our enemies.

-- rec --

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 12:02 PM Marcus Daniels <marcus at snoutfarm.com> wrote:

> I was tempted to dive into the L vs. E as it may apply to psychology and
> sociology, but will just offer this instead.  Formal deprogramming!   Say
> the quiet part, H, lol.
> [image: 231006072811-clinton-1006.jpg]
> Video: Clinton calls for 'formal deprogramming' of MAGA 'cult members' |
> CNN Politics
> <https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/10/06/hillary-clinton-maga-cult-extremists-donald-trump-house-republicans-amanpour-cnntm-vpx.cnn>
> cnn.com
> <https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/10/06/hillary-clinton-maga-cult-extremists-donald-trump-house-republicans-amanpour-cnntm-vpx.cnn>
> <https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/10/06/hillary-clinton-maga-cult-extremists-donald-trump-house-republicans-amanpour-cnntm-vpx.cnn>
> On Oct 5, 2023, at 2:04 PM, glen <gepropella at gmail.com> wrote:
> Rather than -emic vs -etic, I prefer Lagrangian vs Eulerian,
> respectively. This avoids the concept of "inside" vs "outside", which then
> avoids the scoping issue Marcus raised re: nation vs other types of
> boundaries.
> A self-imposed identity is just as imposed as an other-imposed identity.
> While some of us may chafe at other-imposed vs self-imposed, I think
> there's another type of person, those who resist any stable identity,
> whether other- or self-imposed. And resistance is the wrong way to frame
> it. It's more like a tendency to swirl around in an attractor versus a
> tendency to hop from one basin to another.
> He/Him may be relatively accurate today. But I'm not committing to its
> accuracy tomorrow.
> On 10/5/23 12:50, Steve Smith wrote:
> on Emic vs Etic <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emic_and_etic> POVs.  My
> own "individualism" is armatured significantly around "/I don't like to be
> told/" with being */told who I am/* perhaps the most egregious, even if I'm
> being told that "/I'm someone who doesn't like to be told who I am"/.
> --
> glen
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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