[FRIAM] On Apple Podcasts: Solving Tornadoes: Woke Meteorology

Roger Critchlow rec at elf.org
Thu Sep 7 14:10:52 EDT 2023

Anyone who needs to call "woke" to make a scientific argument has lost my
ear.  An attention seeking proto-populist weatherman.

The electrostatics of individual water molecules, that the hydrogens have
some positive charge and the lone pairs of oxygen have some negative charge
(which is actually a consequence of the molecule geometry), is all averaged
into the thermodynamic behavior.  That gaseous water vapor and liquid water
vapor droplets coexist is one way the gas - liquid equilibrium can roll.
Are the droplets drying out or getting wetter decides which way the heat is
moving.  The amount of surface area between the liquid and gas phases
facilitates the rate of heat transfer/drying/wetting.

The fundamental delusion is thinking you can explain the weather better
than simply blaming it on the gods.  We know the basic principles involved,
but the variety of ways it can work out continues to surprise us.

-- rec --

On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 8:54 AM Nicholas Thompson <thompnickson2 at gmail.com>

> thanks Pieter for giving a hear.  He almost certainly is a crack pot (he
> has an "only I can fix it" thing going)  but is he wrong about everything?
> He makes a big deal about the special properties of water molecules. He
> argues that these are created not by the geometric properties of the
> molecule per se but by the electrostatic (?!) gradient created by the
> structure, a distinction he admits is subtle, but insists is absolutely
> crucial.  He says at one point that water vapor itself is rare and that
> water remains in minuscule droplet form or (??????) sometimes forms a
> plasma.  Some how this leads him to the conclusion that convection is a
> confection.
> I do have sympathy for his general assertion that meteorology is an
> incoherent clabboring together of incompatible ways of talking and
> thinking.
> This is one of those moments when I profoundly miss Hywel White.  One of
> his aphorisms was "Water is *WEIRD!"*
> *Nick*
> On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 12:57 AM Pieter Steenekamp <
> pieters at randcontrols.co.za> wrote:
>> I listened to the podcast and my opinion is that this guy, James McGinn,
>> is a crackpot.
>> On Thu, 7 Sept 2023 at 05:28, Nicholas Thompson <thompnickson2 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> *Hi, all,*
>>> *I was casting about for a podcast on meteorology and stumbled on this
>>> guy.  I can’t tell if he’s a total raging loon. he says some interesting
>>> things about the properties of water and then claims that convection is a
>>> myth! I could not find any trace of him on the web except this podcast. The
>>> one thing he says that caught my attention is that meteorologists imply
>>> that air masses have structural properties that would allow, say, in light
>>> air mass to hold a loft, a heavier one. Having red hundreds of forecast
>>> discussions, I sort of know what he’s talking about.*
>>> *?????????!!!!!!!!*
>>> *Nick.*
>>> *Solving Tornadoes: Woke Meteorology*
>>> James McGinn
>>> Exposing the incompetence of the current meteorological paradigm on
>>> storm theory and introducing a new, scientifically competent theory of
>>> storms and atmospheric flow.
>>> Listen on Apple Podcasts:
>>> https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/solving-tornadoes-woke-meteorology/id1489185715
>>> Sent from my Dumb Phone
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