[FRIAM] Does Dusty Love Dave, and VV.

Prof David West profwest at fastmail.fm
Fri Jul 19 13:02:04 EDT 2024

Absolutely. Totally understand and sympathetic with   I=Universe  —   i=illusion.

my illusion, the construct I present to the world, is much like everyone else'. But the illusion, still a construct, upon which i reflect, most definitely is NOT the same construct presented to the world, nor like anything i see presented to me.

A long time ago, my very first Asian philosophy class, I asked if enlightened people cold recognize each other; more or less instantly via single gesture or word, even if extremely nuanced and subtle. The answer was, *"yes; just as the unenlightened do." *It just seems natural and obvious to perceive sentience, consciousness, self-awareness in everything about me; to a greater or lesser degree and, albeit, manifested sometimes in a very alien manner. 


On Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 11:13 AM, steve smith wrote:
> Dave -
>> I do have lots of stories about self-awareness in a variety of contexts. All of them lead to the conclusion that, "I" am NOT *"one of those that others are." (obviously there is some marginal overlap)*
>> Of course this is based entirely on what 'others' are willing/able to publicly reveal about them*S*elves.
> I was once much more of your experience "I" am NOT *"one of those that others are."  *.
> The more I observe others (ranging from mountains and rivers through mosquito larvae, dragonflies, fish, Cyd and Hank and the myriad people I encounter in my life who are significantly *different* from me superficially), the more I recognize myself as a pointillist painting of those myriad reflections.
> Your final statement about *S*elf revealment made me think of the classic "I am who you think I think I am" (Ginsberg?)
> - Steve
> <vaguelyRelevantPostScript>
>> Watching the sea of red hats at the Trump Rally (erh... RNC acceptance ramble (erh... speech)) last night with all their bright shiny faces upturned adoringly glancing around the room for self-reflection confirmation/feedback. "LASE"ing as it were?    For those here who might hate on the Left as well, I think it is this what makes people hateful toward "wokeness" or "PC" before it.   At least it isn't the general intention or tenor of the ideas they represent but rather the way the mechanism seems to generate huge amplification of the Pump source.
>> We are who you think we think we are?
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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