[FRIAM] New Mexican's Sunday's story on education proficiency

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Tue Jul 23 11:10:55 EDT 2024


well found and well quoted... blink blink.  I would try to 
expand/expound but would surely just stir the mud I've already raised in 
this already murky pond...


  - SAS

> This was kind of enlightening, too, on hackernews yesterday, in the 
> vein of 'Dude, what happened to liberalism?'
> https://www.conspicuouscognition.com/p/the-marketplace-of-misleading-ideas
> From a marketplace of ideas to a marketplace of rationalizations is 
> such a small shift, like one of those blink-and-it-flips optical 
> illusions, blink, blink, ....
> -- rec --

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