[FRIAM] Self-Consciousness, experience and metaphysics

Nicholas Thompson thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 12:25:12 EDT 2024

Not at all clear to me why we keep returning to BRAINS in a discussion of
EXPERIENCE or BEHAVIOR.  Experience and behavior remain the same and and
their organization needs to be described, no matter how they are
manufactured.   As Professor Joan Collins Famously Said:

*We've looked at brains from both sides now*
*From in- and out- and still, some how,*

*It's brains illusions we recall, *

*We really don't know brains, at all.*

 In brain talk, there is a history of introjecting brain structure or
process from behavioral or experiential regularities,and then coming back
in the next sentence to explain those regularities as physiologically
determined.  Why indulge in careful description of complex processes when a
little circular reasoning is so satisfying.


On Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 12:56 PM Nicholas Thompson <thompnickson2 at gmail.com>

> David's last post so effectively blurs the lines between these two that I
> am going to give up, for the moment, on my attempt to keep them straight.
> Intuition tells me that Dave's post falls on one side of the line, and
> Glen's on the other,  but I have to go shopping.   I am still hoping to
> hear examples of particular experiences with animals, computers, spouses,
> etc., that confirm your sense that they are not  only responding to the
> world around them, but also responding to their own responding to the world
> around them.
> Back to this later when stocked up
> In the meantime, Please, you-all, don't dick with this thread, don't fork
> it and do, if you are responding to a particular comment, speak to that
> person, don't just fling your wisdom out into the ether.
> I never thought you guys would turn me into a thread-Nazi.
> Nick

Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Ethology
Clark University
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