[FRIAM] Haboob in southern NM / Mexico

Nicholas Thompson thompnickson2 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 15:04:31 EDT 2024

Thanks, Stephen,

An awesome video.

Haboob was a new one to me, so it got me looking up some terminology
relating to outflow boundaries.   Thunderstorms lift an enormous amount of
stuff  and when the storm collapses, a lot of it simply falls down,
displacing the air at the surface, and forcing it outward ahead and behind
the storm.  The line between the air pushing out and the air it is pushing
on is called an outlow boundary.  On many stormy nights in NM, you can see
on radar, faint circles of echoes, pushing out from the storms.  These are
reflections from the outlow boundary, where surface air is being thrust up
and forced to condense its moisture.

Surprisingly, neither haboob nor derecho appear in the NWS glossary!  Near
as I can make out, a haboob is an outflow boundary occurring in a desert
setting, that is violent enough to lift stuff off the ground, a dust
storm.  A derecho is an organization of outflow boundaries at least 200
miles in length that may propagats over hundreds of  miles, arising from  a
line of thunderstorms associated with a strong advancing cold front.   One
famous one traveled from Iowa to DC over 36 (?) hours and did substantial
damage all along its way.    A derecho might or might not cause a dust
storm depending on the surface over which it is traveling.

You-all probably knew all of that.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 1:05 AM Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at simtable.com>

> NIck,
> Check out this Haboob moving across southern NM / northern Mexico
>     satellite animation:
> https://guerin.acequia.io/incidents/HaboobAndSouthForkFire_20240619_2.mp4
> Roger, did you experience it?
> This while Ruidoso experiences Post Fire Debris Flow flooding and loss of
> 2,400 structures
> -Stephen
> -. --- - / ...- .- .-.. .. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .
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