[FRIAM] Haboob in southern NM / Mexico

steve smith sasmyth at swcp.com
Thu Jun 20 11:31:19 EDT 2024

without Owen here to keep us on track with thread hygiene I'll 
self-report... I realize I am often guilty of thread-bending if not 
outright thread-jacking...  what is the difference? Haboob/Derecho, 
Jack/Bend?  Inquiring minds wanna know...

following up on the *weather* aspect of this thread, my short acute 
windstorm experience yielded about 6 power glitches that lasted less 
than 5 seconds each.  I'm guessing the wind severity direction was 
enough to actually cause some nearby overhead high voltage wires to come 
close enough to touch/arc?   I know dense smoke can yield (plasma 
formation) arcing?   The system apparently recovered very quickly which 
is unusual in our poorly maintained COOP.    The Cerro Grande fire was 
triggered by a (windfall?) downed powerline as I remember it.

On 6/20/24 9:21 AM, steve smith wrote:
> does the NWS/etc even have an entry in their warning system for "haboob"?
> I'm not that clear on the difference from RECs "derecho"... GPTs 
> differentiation wasn't particularly helpful in this case. Wikipedia's 
> entries were a little more helpful with a suggestion that the derecho 
> is driven before a storm front while a haboob, also associated is more 
> of a down and outflow of cold air flowing away from the front.   
> Wikipedia suggests that NM does experience haboobs.   I've been in a 
> few conditions on reflection might have been such where the dust-storm 
> front not only preceded the storm front but in fact the storm front 
> itself never arrived?
> At my location, (Otowi bridge crossing the Rio Grande just at the 
> northern pinch-point between Buckman Mesa and the foothill mesas of 
> the Jemez outflow) We had a severe half-hour of wind, rain and (small) 
> hail....  only unique in it's acute intensity and brevity...  we do 
> often get a certain type of weather concentration as the topography 
> 9both local and regional) funnels something right over us.
> FWIW, since Guerin turned me on to flight-tracker, I've been able to 
> add evidence to my understanding that Otowi Bridge itself is a VFR 
> waypoint so a lot of smaller planes may well fly at least within sight 
> of the landmark so they can re-vector toward their next 
> waypoint/destination.    So the same location seems to "focus" 
> civilian air traffic as well.   The rio grande also seems to be a 
> corridor for military/police helicopters... there seem to be a "pair" 
> who meet roughly over my house, one northbound, the other southbound.  
> I'm guessing a Military training program out of ABQ possibly coupled 
> with a ATF/State-Police drug-surveillance related activity.
> I was looking because I wanted to see if Musk's LANL visit included 
> one of his private jets in/out of LAM airport.   I didn't confirm.   I 
> suppose if it were too easy, his jet would have gotten the same orange 
> paint as StoneHenge and Taylor Swift recently?
> On 6/20/24 6:18 AM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>> We had a couple of power glitches, a high wind warning, and a severe 
>> storm warning all between 6 and 7 pm. The sky went apocalyptic for a 
>> while.  The clouds had been massing east of the Organs earlier.  No 
>> haboob warning, but the high wind warning was pushed to SMS and 
>> included the usual cautions about how to drive when you can't see 
>> anything in the dust.  The derecho in the satellite picture is all 
>> west of us, you can see the lights of Las Cruces and El Paso at one 
>> point in the video.
>> -- rec --
>> On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 11:05 PM Stephen Guerin 
>> <stephen.guerin at simtable.com> wrote:
>>     NIck,
>>     Check out this Haboob moving across southern NM / northern Mexico
>>         satellite animation:
>>     https://guerin.acequia.io/incidents/HaboobAndSouthForkFire_20240619_2.mp4
>>     Roger, did you experience it?
>>     This while Ruidoso experiences Post Fire Debris Flow flooding and
>>     loss of 2,400 structures
>>     -Stephen
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